Some 'About' info on

The writer/ compiler is not affiliated with any political, religious, commercial or similar type of entity and no money is gained from the website intentionally.  It is the expression of the thoughts of one person which may change at any stage as maturity develops.

'WAITANGI' is a locality in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Aotearoa), and is historically significant in relation to an 1840 Treaty of Waitangi signed between the earlier inhabitants and European arrivals. The Treaty served its purpose in its day, and is historically now 180 years in the past.  Many people are still trying to live in that past era, creating contentious issues surrounding race, rights and grievances, all promoted by an 'industry' of political and other interests which gain from being involved.  Understanding will help bring the freedom to make a healthier and more content people.

'METOIKOS' is a Greek word.  I understood it to mean a person who feels they are living as a stranger or alien amongst those of his own country or city.  It was also a pen-name used at times in New Zealand by Hugh Carleton (1810-1890), journalist, newspaper founder and editor, who left a very interesting record learned from his experiences of Colonialism in early New Zealand.

The 'TRAIL OF WAITANGI' pages were on this site prior to 2023, most or all of which were placed here in 2002.  They are written about the few years leading up to the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi until several years after, and were intended to show the difference of spirit or nature of the peoples involved.

Now that we are further along the track in time, the players are the same, excepting for the extent of the racial significance in New Zealand of today (2024), a condition promoted since the Treaty.

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Written from the viewpoint of an 'observer' with a reasonable understanding of New Zealand pre-European history, and awareness of the current change as we move into a new Aquarian age or world.
Self taught in history, and am always on a learning curve, so maybe some encouragement or helpful correction would not be amiss.

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English language is the default as it is a universal language. Te reo Māori is used where necessary.


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