A Pandora's Box of food for thought.

Items on New Zealand early pre-European history, on times surrounding the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, and on current affairs in this changing world.

All items are being placed on the DIRECTORY page.

We should not try to restore or re-write the original treaty, because we are not living 200 years ago, and human nature will end up making the outcome even worse than it is now. The mere idea of suggesting that a treaty should exist today, is in itself promoting division, encouraging the present divide-and-rule nature of the current system to continue. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A TREATY AT ALL!. We all just need to grow up with understanding, and I hope this website may do something to help in this respect.

It was very soon after the 1840 Treaty, that the Wairua or Soul of the Treaty was broken, causing one of the main initiators, Henry Williams, who (along with others) was despised and rejected by the Colonial 'system', to write in 1847, 'How furious the natives will become when they realise how severely they have been deceived and cheated!'

It is the same today. Our people in general will be astounded, bewildered or angry, at how they have become so deceived and taken-in by the the greed, avarice and cunning of the collective intellectual mind, with its lust for money and riches using tools of commerce and usury, along with socialism (amongst other ism's) to destroy the Earth, families and humanity.

However, we have entered a new age, where we can see about us these things that we have become so used to, being turned upside down - exposed and destroyed.

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The word 'māori' (pre Colonialism) meant 'ordinary' or 'common', therefore all of the country's ethnicities today are 'māori' anyway! There are not two human species!..Continue this here.

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A COUNTRY NAME-CHANGE TO KIWI?: If Britain had ruled commerce at that time of the European Colonialists arriving here, then with little doubt the country would be named New Britain or even New England! 'Aotearoa', 'New Zealand', or are we 'Kiwi'? We are often already referred to as Kiwi's.

THE WEST is currently in the news. The geographical West officially ends at an International Dateline (established in 1884) between the West Coast of the United States, and the East starts in Asia and New Zealand, Wellington being the first major Capital City to start a new day. But the WEST that is being opposed by most Colonialised countries refers to the nature of Imperialism! Sadly, that same nature affects all peoples and countries on the Earth.

With these Colonialists came something vastly different to the culture and understanding (of that time) to those of the East: China, Japan; native New Zealanders, Americans and other communities. These people had no concept of the manner in which MORTGAGES (death pledges) were used to bind people through DEBT! Money was being used as an an intermediary or proxy instead of face-to-face simplicity. Mortgages had all their vices with them; interest (a charge for something that does not naturally exist), then penalties for non-compliance, charges for this and that, threats of punishment - even death. Laws, tarrifs and so on. Welcome to Imperialism!

I couldn't figure it out initially, as Japan was in the physical East and yet in the early 1900's, it was attacking China with large and modern Western style battle ships, causing many millions of deaths and casualties. Chiang Kai-shek in China, financed from United States Banks and other sources, was assumed by the public in the USA to be helping China defeat Japan, and yet he was instead stubbornly resisting defending China against Japan, and spent his resources 'eliminating' more Chinese. He caused the deaths of millions, using 'Communists' as a convenient excuse, and receiving financial reward for doing so. Simultaneously, the British were financing their own interests in Japan, having had led Japan into debt during the late 1800's, mainly (I expect) through their manufacture and supply of battleships and other war items.

Mao Tse-Tung (1893-1976), born in China, is often referred to as being the 'enemy' to the West, and even to this day has so many vile words thrown at him that it makes me ask, "What is the great good he must have done to causes him to be abhorred so much?" In briefly studying the earlier half of his life, I see him initially as a librarian with pacifist tendencies at heart, being attacked on all sides (Japan and the West), and being forced into a position of trying to save his people from extinction. What happened later on, when Marxist ideology became involved, did change circumstances. However, on the positive side of Mao, if it was not for him in the early days, very few Chinese today would even exist.

Along with Mortgages and Debt there is another term that must be mentioned, as it is becoming more important in today's world, and I have been made very wary of it, and that is Derivatives', a modern word that means to assume or gamble on the value of future markets. To 'assume' is to venture without understanding - maybe the same as gambling. Our 'futures' market and maybe even our share-market will surely collapse.

Why is this being written? To show that what was happening back there is still happening today, but in a more spiritual sense. All warfare is based around propaganda as a main element. Little thought is given for lives, as the industry is geared around profit, material rewards and power. We are trained into it by media, at schooling, etc., the care of humanity as being the prime motive, but it is merely a lip-service, and while the people are being governed more and more, individual freedom is being stolen. Humanity has had enough of it.

Student loans do not guarantee a job or employment, but certainly guarantees debt, and in some cases a lot of heartache.

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An holistic (wholeistic) approach to history is very beneficial, because whatever we hear or see we don't have to argue with, judge or condemn, knowing that the correct understanding will soon fall into place. Otherwise there becomes just too much too handle and we wouldn't know which way to turn.

Words are powerful, and as understanding develops, perceptions change. What we once may have considered to be a future fearful event, dissolves with understanding. For instance, the word Armageddon that was once feared, I find is not a future event at all, but just refers to the battle we have sorting out the changes in our own mind as we mature. After all, this (mind) is where it is all happening.
There is no need to fear the future - the Earth doesn't end, but the world we live in, ends (dies or changes continually) - a good thing. We grow into a new world daily.


Metoikos 26 Aug 2024.