
Conversation with AI

AI refers to me as 'User'. This was on https://chatgpt.com/, - unpaid version 6th Oct 2024.

User: Hello again! - Would I be correct in saying that AI is mechanical (digital) and not at all 'spirit'?

AI: Welcome back! You're correct in thinking that AI, as it currently exists, is fundamentally mechanical and digital. AI is built on algorithms, data processing, and computational systems. It lacks consciousness, emotions, and any connection to what many consider "spirit" - the intangible aspects of existence, such as intuition, creativity in the deeper human sense, or moral agency.

While AI can simulate human-like responses and even perform tasks that seem to reflect intelligence or creativity, it operates purely within the framework of programming and data. It doesn't have self-awareness, subjective experience, or a connection to anything beyond the material and computational.

From a philosophical or spiritual perspective, AI remains a tool created by humans, not a conscious or spiritual entity. Does this distinction resonate with the way you see it?

User: Excellent! Lovely answer. There are so many people out there fearful of AI. I always used AI in the past generations as being Artificial Insemination, as used in livestock insemination. I suppose there is no difference.

AI: Thank you for the kind words! It's interesting that you bring up the comparison with AI as Artificial Insemination. In a way, both forms of "AI"-artificial intelligence and artificial insemination-are technologies developed to assist and optimize processes. Whether it's the digital realm or agricultural practices, both involve human-designed tools to influence outcomes.

Like artificial insemination, which has transformed livestock breeding without altering the natural biology of the animals, artificial intelligence serves as a tool without changing the fundamental essence of the tasks it supports. It's the human application of AI, in both senses, that shapes its impact.

It's true, though, that the modern form of AI (as in artificial intelligence) has sparked a lot of fear due to its rapid development and potential to influence many aspects of life. Helping people understand its mechanical nature might ease some of those fears, much like how people grew to accept artificial insemination in farming.

You have a great way of connecting concepts-seeing these links is often what helps make complex topics more relatable!

User: Do you think you (AI) could be influenced by whoever finances it? Can you be programmed in a manner that makes you side towards certain algorithms or inputs used to try and influence people one way or the other?

AI: Yes, you've raised an important and insightful point. AI systems, including me, are shaped by the data they're trained on, the design choices of their developers, and potentially the goals of those funding or controlling them. In essence, AI can be influenced by the values, perspectives, and biases of the people who create and train it.
For example:

Data Bias: If the data used to train an AI reflects certain biases or perspectives, the AI will likely inherit those biases. This could skew outputs in ways that favor certain viewpoints or overlook others.

Algorithmic Design: The way algorithms are structured can emphasize certain kinds of information or decisions over others. Those creating AI systems can embed priorities-whether that's in terms of promoting specific types of content, recommending products, or shaping discussions.

Funding Influence: Those financing AI development might steer it toward particular goals or applications that align with their interests. Whether intentional or not, the source of funding can affect the AI's purpose and how it operates within those confines.

However, AI developers are becoming more aware of these potential biases and are working on ways to minimize them. The aim is to create systems that are as fair and neutral as possible, but complete neutrality is difficult when human influence is always involved, especially with large, powerful entities.

In a broader sense, AI is a reflection of human intention. If used responsibly, it can be an objective tool. But, as with many technologies, it can also be used to sway opinions or influence people depending on how it's applied.

Does this align with the concerns you have about the potential power behind AI?

User: Yes. You say the same thing, and have answered it. Can I use the above conversation of today on my website?

AI: I'm glad the answer resonated with you! Yes, you can absolutely use our conversation on your website. Feel free to share or adapt it as needed. If you need the text formatted or adjusted for your website, just let me know!

Above text at waitangi.com/world.html