Part transcript of 'Origins of Ukraine War' from:
Tucker Carlson Interviews Robert F Kennedy - Aug 15, 2023

12.35 Right from the beginning we have been lied to about the Ukraine war. We have had a comic-book depiction in our minds, which visualises every war as having a bad guy who is unspeakably evil, and who is planning world conquest or terrorist attacks on America. And we expect that we have to be the good guys who have to stop it. But the background of the Ukraine war is much more complex than that.

The U.S. has been involved from the early stages, and particularly a group of people known as the Neocons [neoconservatives], who since 2001 have been talking about putting NATO into Ukraine. In 1992 the [Berlin] walls came down and the Soviet Union collapsed. Gorbachev, leader of the then Soviet Union, went to Tony Blair and to President Bush who were U.K. and U.S. presidents at that time, and said, 'I'm going to do something extraordinary, and it will basically have the rest of Russia brand me as a traitor to my country. I'm going to withdraw 400,000 Soviet troops from East Germany, and I'm going to allow you to reunify Germany under NATO troops. So, you are going to move NATO troops (a hostile force) into our barracks and our bases. The only commitment I want from you, is that once I allow Germany to become part of NATO, that you will never move NATO further to the East. And we are going to release all of the Soviet States that were part of the Soviet Union, so that they become independent states, and we don't want NATO moving into those'.

14:27 James Baker, who is a secretary of state at that time, famously said, 'We promise that we will not move NATO one inch to the east!'

So, Gorbachev did what he said, and he's now despised in Russia. The Neocons believed at that time that the US had won the Cold War, and that that Victory gave the US the privilege of dominating the world using our Superior military power status for the next Century. In other words, America would own the 21st Century. Their principal blueprint document is called Project for the New American Century, and the aim is to promote American global leadership, and states that American leadership is good both for America and for the world ( ).

14:55 Five years later in 1977, Brazinski, who was like the first father of the Neocon movement, said, 'We should start this process by moving NATO into all the former satellite States'. At that time George Canon was still around. Now George was the principal architect of the Cold War containment policy and is arguably the most important most respected Diplomat and Statesman in American history. He said, 'If you do that, you are going to provoke a violent response from Russia. They cannot live with NATO on their borders. They can not, any more than we would live with a Soviet Alliance in Mexico and Canada'.

At that time, Bill Perry was Clinton's Secretary of State, and he said, 'If you do this and go forward with this plan I'm going to resign, because it is so foolhardy! You are forcing Russia into a violent military response!' The U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union at that time, who is now ahead of the of the C.I.A., said the same thing. It is the worst mistake America can make to move NATO to the east.

17:18 So yet we went ahead and did it. We moved it not only 1 inch closer, but 1,000 miles! 14 countries! And then we put nuclear-ready missile launchers, AEGIS missile systems made by Lockheed, 12 minutes from Moscow. In 12 minutes, we could decapitate the entire leadership of Russia. And we put those in Poland and Romania. And then we tried to move NATO into Ukraine.

17:51 You remember when Russia put nuclear missile systems in Cuba and my uncle [JFK] would have had to invade. The reason Russia put them there is because we had put nukes - Jupiter missiles into Turkey and Italy. My uncle and father made a secret deal with Ambassador Brenan, where they said to him, 'Look we understand you're angry and cannot live with Jupiter missiles in Turkey, and that that is why you put your missiles in Cuba. If you remove your missiles from Cuba within six months we will remove ours from Turkey'.

So now today we're back again and put nuclear-ready missile systems along, right next to Russia, and now we want to go do the one thing that Russia has said, and Putin has said, again and again and again, that this is a Red Line! Even before Putin, the Russian leadership was saying it is Red Line, you cannot go into Ukraine!

Our country has never been invaded, but the Russians have been invaded three times through Ukraine! The last time they were invaded, Hitler killed between 20 and 40 million Russians. Hitler killed one out of every seven Russians!

In my uncle's speech, in July of 1963, he said to the American people,'We are all told we won World War II. But we didn't win World War II - the Russians won it. The sacrifice they made to destroy Hitler was beyond anything Americans can imagine'. He was trying to tell the American people that you have to put ourselves in their position and understand what they are doing. And he said, 'A third of the country was levelled, the forests burned the cities levelled.' Imagine if that happened from the east coast of the United States - every City, forest and field from here to Chicago levelled. That's what the Russians put up with. We have to understand that.

20:02 Ukraine is a Red Line. The invasions came through Ukraine, and they can't live with it. It's a security issue for them that is almost beyond our comprehension.

20:22 Carlson: 'So that suggests the point is war with Russia?'

RFK Jr: The point was war with Russia. And in fact, the Neocon said that, again and again - and Biden! That is absolutely true.

First of all, some modern history: In 2014 there are riots in Ukraine called the Maidan Revolution. We were not told that we are financing those riots. The Government never told us the U.S.A. using? a C.I.A. front, put $5 billion into funding those riots. Those riots lead to a coup d'état against the first democratically elected government of the Ukraine. That Government refused to choose sides and say we are going to be on the side of the West. So we wanted them out.

A month before that Government was overthrown, Victoria Newland, the centrepiece of Neocon ideology, and who is now a high-level official in the state department, has a secret call with the U.S. ambassador (which is tape recorded and is now public, and which anybody can go and look up), where she is picking the new cabinet for Ukraine! So, a U.S. Western cabinet are picking the new Government a month before the old Government is overthrown!

22:06 The C.I.A. has overthrown I think 83 Governments between 1947 and 1997. That's a third of the Governments on Earth, and most of them were democracies! Then we put in a Western Government. Everybody says that Russia started this war by invading Crimea. But put yourself in Putin's position. I'm not an apologist for Putin by the way. (My son went over there and fought against it and risked his life). Putin went into Ukraine. What he did was brutal, it was illegal and it was unnecessary, but we have to understand our role in the provocations.

So, if you're in Putin's position, and you're looking at Ukraine which is being run by a pro US Government. What's the first thing he thinks? That they're going to take Vladivostok [? Did he mean Sevastopol], the port in the Crimea on the Black Sea which has been a Russian Port, their only warm-water port for 347 years. The Russian Navy is there. Their sub-base and everything else, and he says, 'Now this new government is going to invite the U.S. Navy in to take over our facilities. We got to go in there and take it back'. So he goes into Crimea and takes Crimea without firing a shot or killing a single person! The Crimean population is largely Russian and they welcome the 'invasion'. So, I'm not making excuses for him, but I'm saying we have to understand. My uncle always said that we have to understand the position of our adversaries, and what our forces are dealing with.

24:16 Now, as soon as we put it that new Government, the first rule they pass, is to make the Russian language essentially illegal in Donbas and Luhansk, where 90% of the population is Russian. And then there's an Uprising in which the people turned violent and begin dying. The Russian ethnic population in Ukraine is now being treated like red-headed stepchildren. They're being slapped around and they're being abused and they're not being allowed to practice their culture or their language. So, there is then a vote in Donbas and Luhansk where they vote 90 to 10 to join Russia.

MINSK AGREEMENT But Putin says, 'I don't want you. but instead let us sign an agreement that protects you'. So, they put together an agreement with France Germany and Russia, called the Minsk Accords. The Minsk Accords say to leave Donbas and Luhansk as part of Ukraine, but make them semi-autonomous so that they can speak their own language. So that the Russians who live there are going to be protected from violence by the Government. The Ukrainian Parliament wouldn't ratify the Minsk Accords, but France agreed to it, Germany agreed to it and Putin agreed to it.

25:42 And then Zelinsky runs in 2019. He is a guy with no political background but wins the election with 90% of the vote. He won the election because he ran on a peace-platform, promising that he would sign the Minsk Accords. He gets into office, and the minute he gets in, he suddenly pivots! We don't know what happened, but the rational assumption is that the U.S. Government told him he could not enter the Agreement. That Victoria Newland and Anthony Blinken and Avril Haines who's the director of National Intelligence, told him you cannot have a peace with Russia. Plus, the Ultra-nationalists within Ukraine told them if you sign that, we're going to kill you. Anyway, they threaten him with death, and that is pretty well documented.

27:13 Then, Russia invades by sending in 40,000 troops. We say, 'Oh look! Putin is trying to take over Europe'! But I think there is three and a half million people in Kiev, so they clearly did not want to take the country. He clearly wanted to just bring people to the negotiating table. He did not send in enough troops to take all of Ukraine.

So then Zelenski comes to the negotiating table. We now know this; it is recent information. In March of 2022 Zelenski and Putin then agree on a peace agreement that's based upon the Minsk Accords, it's like Minsk Accords 2.0, and Zelenski initials it, and the Russians initial it, and Russia begins withdrawing its troops from Ukraine. And then what happens? President Biden sends Boris Johnson over there to torpedo the agreement and make Zelenski tear it up. And then we go to war! 350,000 Ukrainian kids are now dead, and 40 or 50,000 Russians.

They had signed the agreement in March, and in April Boris Johnson was sent over there to torpedo it. And in that month, Lloyd Austin who is the Secretary of Defence under Biden, is asked, 'Why are we at war with Ukraine?' And he said, 'Our purpose in this war is to exhaust the Russian army, and degrade its capacity to fight anywhere else in the world.' But that is not what they're telling us in America. And Biden that month also says when he's asked about the war in Ukraine, 'Our purpose is regime change in Russia'! So again, It is nothing to do with Ukraine, but it means that Ukraine is being used as a proxy for essentially a struggle between two superpowers, Russia and the United States.

29:15 We have now committed 113 billion dollars over there. Just to put that in perspective, the total budget of EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] is 12 billion, and the total budget of CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] is 12 billion, and yet we're sending 113 billion over!

When Mitch McConnell was asked, 'How can we do this when our country is cutting food-stamps to 30 million Americans, and cutting Medicare to 15 million Americans, but not going to have any health insurance - how can we spend 113 billion over there? If we had that 113 billion here, we wouldn't have had to cut one food-stamp payment'. And McConnell said, 'Well don't worry, the money is not staying in Ukraine. It's All Coming Back to military contractors in the United States.'!

So that's interesting, because when you look at who owns those military contracts, and when you see who gets on CNN to pump up the Ukraine war, you find it's a bunch of former generals, and Colonels, and Pentagon people. But if you go look at those guys. The are all people who are working for Raytheon, and General Dynamics, and Boeing, and Lockheed. So, they're generals, but they're not identified.

30:33 They're actually working for the military contractors who are cashing in on the war. And then you know those military contractors in turn are owned by three companies, Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard. You know the inflation from printing the money to fund the war? 16 trillion we spent to fund the lockdowns and 8 trillion we've spent on these wars since 2020. All of them losing wars, all of them making our country less safe. Look at what this war is doing.

We have pushed Russia into the embrace of China, which is the worst foreign policy outcome imaginable. It is not good for the National Security of our country, and we now have Putin's back to the wall. Well, Putin is the world's leading nuclear superpower, and we aren't. He has a thousand more nukes than we do, and their nukes are much better than ours. They can shoot down our nukes - we can't shoot down theirs. We are provoking a confrontation that could very easily lead to nuclear war.

32:03 Carlson: Can I ask you to pause here for a second. Everything you've said is checkable and rational, and you're extrapolating out toward the future which is easy to envision. I don't really understand how our policy makers aren't reaching the same conclusions you just reached. Like they think that war with Russia is a war we're going to win, and yet we can't win this war.

32:25 RFK Jr: Well of course. It would be like Mexico beating us in a war. Russia cannot lose this war, and anybody who thinks Russia is not up to the war, go look at the Netflix documentary on Stalingrad and look at the sacrifice they were willing to make.

32:44 You know, we thought this was going to hurt Putin, and he's now more popular than he's ever been. All the U.S. polling firms show him polling at 90% popularity in Russia. The Russians are supporting him. We were going to break him with the sanctions; we did the opposite and made him more powerful. He's now insulated from trade and the international banking system. He's now got this great trade agreement with China, and he's now engineering the creation of BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa], which has 40 leading Nations around the world turning against the U.S. currency as Reserve currency, and opting-in his petro-currency or the Chinese currency. If we lose that status as the world's Reserve currency, the Great Depression will look like a cake-walk.

The Interview continues for another 48 minutes. The above is not word-for-word, but main details and sequence of the story are as accurate as I could make them. Some words are not included where it wasn't clear.
The main video "Tucker Carlson Interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr." can be found online HERE ( )

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