The whole Earth has now entered a new 2000 year period which is named Aquarius, and it's Zodiac symbol is of a water-bearer, pouring out water. It is an AIR element.
With the understanding unfolding today (2024) we begin to view things in a different light, and see historical time as just being that; HISTORICAL! Any awareness of the lineal past is from outside of it, above it, or beyond time!
However we should not avoid an understanding of history. In fact we grow from understanding it. The growth is in our individual minds - a 'mind age', and we are all at different stages of maturity. This makes us all the same in respect that we are all different, which is the real 'Oneness' that people are searching for.
The battle that people have had over the years surrounding oneness, is really no different than the equality battle humanity has been trying to sort through. The best description of what is desired with equality (when it comes to political objectives anyway), is that all people should have 'Equality of Opportunity'. The opposite to that is 'Equality by Outcome', being the situation where people are being engineered to fit into a stereotype of understanding or lifestyle, a concept which works against nature and humanity, enslaving us against our freedom.
'We are all the same in that we are all different!'
'Equality of Opportunity' and not 'Equality by Outcome.'
Personal growth will occur as individuals recognise their true meaning in life. Who they are, why they are here, heritage, and so on. And then family / whānau, (applicable to everyone), will naturally restore as individuals are set free! I hear daily the cry from hearts of, 'whānau', a very meaningful word when used without intention.
Of course, the reality of the above affects everyone. Socialism will disappear, as will the Globalisation concept. They end up with controlling centralised governments and the desire of a one-world-order; intellectually trying to engineer the wrong form of oneness, substituting family. Be wary of 'isms'
Life will definitely become longer and healthier as true whānau / family restores itself.
Multi-party politics, mediators and hierarchies will disappear.
The current financial impositions on people (usury and the associated use of compounding interest rates) will be dealt with. Debt, derivatives, the same. You can see changes in these areas starting to happen about us already.
Clear personal understanding of Scripture / ourselves unfolds as we are released from the hold that religious teachings through the centuries have had, and we are freed from the fear of death. Denominational systems dissolve into the past.
The battle is a 'spiritual' one - peoples understanding change as we move forward
Metoikos 08 Sep 2024.