
What is happening in this new Age.

Focusing on the positive greatly benefits us. In this Age of Aquarius, humanity undergoes immense change. Health and life expectancy increase, reducing the need for public healthcare. Family order is restored as political controls back-off, and denominational church systems along with multi-party politics fade into history. Commerce will also change dramatically, with a complete transformation in food production and distribution. Manufacturing will become more localised and abundant than it is today under a more communal system.

In considering time, Aquarius is about 2050 years long and we are right in the beginning of it. The changes affect everyone, and it should be realised that as we change in understanding then we view the same subject from a different perspective or viewpoint. In knowing what will happen, it is not hard to see it unfolding bit-by-bit amongst all the turmoil that is about us now.

It's easy to determine human and other patterns that repeat through time by studying the past. For example, we know that Halley's Comet returns every 75 years. However we are not able to enter into or study the future, because it does not exist. It is merely an illusion in our imagination! No one has been or lived there to tell us about it, or we would know how many generations of children we'll have, their names, where they will live and so on.

When the illusion(s) drop off or are taken away, then we find we are content, at peace and at home in ourselves. A place which already exists.

3rd Oct 2024 - There is a vast array of topics to touch on with this page, so am working on that - on how to expose the illusion.

Metoikos 3rd Oct 2024.