Aquarius is a name used by astrologers for this 2050 year period we have just entered, and it is bringing a wake-up call upon all of humanity. We are spiritual beings, influenced by seasons; night and daytime, winter and summer, moon and tides, latitude and more. And when we align with these we find peace, health, and contentment with ourselves and our families.
However, this natural balance (circadian rhythm, biorhythm, or body clock) has been replaced over the centuries, through domination by hierarchical political, religious, and commercial systems with their incessant lust for riches and power.
Apocalypse refers to the unveiling or exposing of these old ways and leads us into an awakening age. We can see the old systems dissolving around us as the world enters it's death throes. Our Earth itself remains safe - we are of the Earth, not the world. And yet habits die hard, and there is talk of a 'new world order', and I see minds gathering together to plan it. Creating fear by projecting a future doom and gloom with rumors of war, using 'economics' (so called) to justify it. And yet there is another way.
When the illusion(s) drop off or are taken away, then we find we are content, at peace and at home in ourselves. A place which already exists, where we can maybe find ourselves in the early hours or maybe various forms of meditation. But
3rd Oct 2024 - Have had to continue this on a new tack. It is continued here: Pine Trees and Famine.
Metoikos -