Back in the early 1980's I had become attracted to events surrounding the man William Branham (1909-1965). There was a large amount of information already available from different sources, including 1130 audio messages with matching printed booklets, photographs and some film. The Supernatural events surrounding his life were absolutely staggering and were the draw-card attracting me.

People were being raised from the dead, and the Pillar of Fire often seen and even photographed. There were at times massive gatherings, occasionally as much as 200 thousand or more who had come to experience the many healings, discernments, and prophecies. It was the age for those things, and in the wider field there were others with similar events occurring, Billy Graham and Oral Roberts being two of the most prominent.

The numerology was amazing, William Marrion Branham with 7-7-7 letters, and people began comparing the situation of two Angels coming to Abraham in the Old Testament period (Aries Age). Something very special was happening. A definite SIGN to draw attention! There were many major prophecies, and even minor sounding ones, like in 1964 (for instance) at the end of one message he was asking the Lord to bring this voice to the.. "Many men and women in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it.". He could obviously see the technology before it was invented.

Another similarity to Abraham was that the Lord changed Abraham's name from Abram to Abraham (Genesis 17), meaning 'father of nations'. William Branham's father was surnamed Branam and changed his family name to Branham. [ I couldn't find my reference to that, so I asked ChatGPT (not expecting an answer). The reply was, "Yes, William Branham's father, Charles Branham, did change the family name from Branam to Branham. This change occurred in the late 1800s. Charles Branham decided to add an 'h'... ]".

When out fishing with a friend, a fish had been laying dead in the water for half an hour. He speaks, "Little fishy, I give you your life in the Name of Jesus Christ." Little fishy turned over like that and went swimming out through the water. [It had been] Laying there and its stomach pulled out of its mouth...". The upside-down fish in the Zodiac represents Pisces (the Age before Aquarius).

Events surrounding his choosing of the historic Angels (Messengers) in the book of Revelations (see chart on Previous Page), defined what is now often referred to as the 'Seven Church Age' period. The ministering of the 'Seven Seals' and his insistence of there being only One Lord, caused the denominated churches to preach heavily against him [the Prophet got cancelled!]. They had failed to recognise the signs of a prophet, two of those signs being consistent with those shown in the ministries of Moses and Elijah.

When the 'Seven Seals' were spoken in 1963, the anointing on the Earth on all of humanity was very strong. I have heard often many experts in different fields of interest, from music nerds to statisticians say, "Something happened in 1963" or "What is it that happened in 1963?". Well, this is what had happened: the greatest Spiritual event in 2000 years at the closing of the Piscean Age.

His preaching that there is 'Only One God' [see previous page], and the events of Sunset Mountain (Sunset Peak) in The Coronado Mountains, and then 'the Cloud', bought so much controversy and rejection that it brought an indictment from him: "I indict this generation for the second crucifixion of Christ"!

" .. And I'm indicting, this morning, the federation of churches; I'm indicting the Pentecostals; I'm indicting the Presbyterians, the Baptists, and every denomination in the world. By wicked, selfish greed you've took the Word of Life and crucified It before the people, and blasphemed It, and called It fanaticism, which God has raised up in our midst to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I indict this generation.
  God has proved Himself alive. God has proved that this is His Word. What have you got but a bunch of dogma and creeds? Where can you show the living God? Because you've turned down the Word of Life that would've give you these things. Yes, sir. Oh, what a hour that we're now living in.
" WMB, 7 July 1963.

To be able to see what is happening, one must look at the ever unfolding STORY, rather that quoting or learning the letter of the Bible. The whole of Scripture (and the rest of life) is in parables, seasons cycles and symbols - as found in the Zodiac (Mazeroth), which I see as follows:

The now past 2000 year period of Pisces, was indicted for it's rejection of the ministry and signs of a true prophet (not necessarily the man).
The word 'Pisces' is Latin for 'fish', and the Zodiac symbol is two fish tied together, but swimming in opposite directions (fighting each other?).
There are 4 'Elements' of Earth, Fire, Water and Air, and (obviously) Pisces has to be a WATER element. The next age in sequence is Aquarius, an AIR sign.

Pleiades and Matariki are the same cluster of stars, with the same spiritual and planetary influences happening here in Aotearoa New Zealand as anywhere on Earth.

I have just been skipping along on the hilltops in all this - so I would like we should take time out, and lift on up into the AIR

The Cloud 1963

