The previous item introduced Pisces as being a time period of about 2000 years and starting at the year 0 or 1 A.D..

Consider this: If we are outside or above a period of time, we should be able to see that period for what it really is — lineal time anyway. As we are already outside or beyond the past Piscean Age, I would like to take you back 2000 years to look to the beginning of Pisces, to tell it through my own perspective of understanding:

I was free until 9 years old, and then was sent off to boarding schools for 8 years. Prior to that I was very close to nature which I played amongst and admired. I now know that I was admiring my part in our creation until schooling introduced me to another 'God'.

On reflection, it was a God of fear, of impending gloom, or of some sort of punishment if I didn't line up with expected standards. I unknowingly became trapped in a world of confusion, of future or past, good or bad. Of a supposed God, not here now but living somewhere else. I certainly felt it, but didn't have any realisation of what was happening.

History in the schools of those days (1950's) taught of 'reformers', people with surnames like Luther and Wesley. This was of little interest to me until about 25 years later, when I heard that these reformers were the Angels (Messengers) mentioned in the Book of Revelations in Scripture. I did a great deal of research on the subject, the Story opening up more and more, and I became very enthused. Many church people would tell me to keep quite, and I lost a number of friends - and they said things like, 'We won't know these things till Jesus comes'!

That is the past (to me) Piscean Age of thinking - particularly of denominational Christianity, and belongs to what is now known by many as the 'Church Ages'. Society and make-up of the current world has been based on past interpretations of Scripture, but understanding of Scripture is not fixed in time or denominated, and new enlightenment is occurring continually.

This next table has been on the internet for about 12 years and originally named 'The Second Coming Period..', a period of time! The period of Pisces or the Second Coming began about 2000 years ago in the 'Upper Room', when the Pillar of Fire entered the people (50 days after the resurrection), and travelled through the Ages in humanity. The Spirit or nature given to each Messenger shown below refers to the influence on all people in that respective time, the Messenger being a representative of that age.

As the meanings of the symbols (Horse Riders, Beasts, etc.) become obvious, the whole picture changes, and it is easy to see the workings of the Spirit in in any respective age. It was in the Wesleyan Age (Philadelphia - meaning 'brotherly love') when Europeans came to New Zealand. Even the names of each Age represent natures, Laodicea meaning luke-warm (a 'pale' horse) - we only need to see the situation everything has gotten into today.

The Pisces Age, Divided into 7 'Church Ages'.
'..The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.' (Rev 1:20)
Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) 53-170 A.D. Paul
Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) 170-312 A.D. Irenaeus
Pergamos (2:12-17) 312-616 A.D. Martin
Thyatira (2:12-29) 606-1520 A.D. Columba
Sardis (3:1-6) 1520-1750 A.D. Martin Luther
Philadelphia (3:7-13) 1750-1906 A.D. John Wesley
Laodicea (3:14-22) 1906-1956 A.D. William Branham

'Pentecostal' is the name given to the churches that began in Laodicea, and the prophet Messenger William Branham (1909-1965), the 'Seventh Angel', was sent in that Age to call people out of those denominational church systems. As usual, that message was rejected, most people failing to accept or recognise the signs of what was happening.

A term for that period is often referred to as the 'Seven Church Ages'. Each time a messenger came it had 'thundered', and then followed the 'lightning' as the spiritual influence of each message took effect. The terminology 'thunders, lightnings' etc. is all Scriptural, from Moses right on through until today.

Although these messengers were born years apart they were manifesting on Earth in a Westerly direction, all bringing further understanding or revelation, and the people (our forbears / kin) were living out their respective roles according to the influences of whichever age or messenger we were under. Wars and rumours of wars, etc. Each messenger was selected as representative of a particular age, there being many more professing the same Spirit.

From that early period of (Pisces) when Christianity became organised, hundreds of millions of people gave their lives, going to the slaughter like an ox or calf (the 2nd beast) at the hands of the red (blood) horse! And until Martin Luther came on the scene all was becoming darker and darker. Luther's message was that 'the just shall live by faith' (a Scripture), and not by the bondage and rule of Roman law. He and others were the beginning of the 'Reformation'.

William Branham in the Laodicen (luke warm- a pale horse) age, with all the Scriptural signs and wonders given to draw attention, was rejected. The denominational systems, although they will agree there is only One Lord, act as though Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are separate people or entities in different places, past, future or elsewhere. William Branham was preaching, 'God in His three attributes, not three gods; One God in three attributes, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three offices of the One.'

I am fully aware that the the 'seven churches in Asia' referred to place names in modern day Turkey. And it was ALSO the prophetic course of the 2000 years up until the days when the 'Seventh Angel' sounded - being the time when the mystery of God [travelling through those ages] should be finished' (Rev 10.7). And now on entering Aquarius, it becomes even closer to home than either of those two.

This item is very much just skipping the surface of an extremely massive story. All these things have happened. It is easy to look them up online, or recognise them if you have studied some history. I will put some links on the NOTES page.

